Abstract :
Fikri Nursyaban. 41182933170009. ANALYSIS OF SUITABILITY OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FINANCING SYNDICATION OF BOGOR STRONG BELIEVE WITH THE FATWA DSN 91/DSN-MUI/IV/2014. Sharia Banking Study Program. Islamic University ?45? Bekasi (2022 AD/1444 H). (124 Pg).
Providing financing to customers cannot be done in an excessive way, it can endanger Islamic banks. Bank Indonesia has issued a maximum limit for granting funds (BMPD) so that this is a barrier for Islamic banks to provide financing in large amounts. Therefore, BPRS BTB conducts syndicated financing whose financing is carried out jointly. The purpose of this study is to find out the implementation and suitability of syndicated financing at BPRS BTB against the fatwa of DSN 91/DSN-MUI/IV/2014.
In this study, the author uses descriptive qualitative research methods where there are three lines of analysis that occur simultaneously, namely Data Reduction, Data Display (Data Display), and Conclusion Drawing or verification.
The results of this study indicate that the implementation of syndicated financing must of course be in accordance with applicable regulations, namely Fatwa DSN MUI 91/DSN-MUI/IV/2014 concerning Syndicated Financing. Based on the five provisions mentioned and the author explained earlier, the Bogor Tough Faithful BPRS has been in accordance with these provisions, meaning that the Bogor Tough Faithful BPRS carries out syndicated financing properly and in accordance with the MUI DSN Fatwa regarding syndicated financing.