Abstract :
Management of public complaints is very important for government agencies because structured and systematic complaint management will create quality public services and aims to correct deficiencies and mistakes made by service providers by focusing on providing complaints management facilities and assisting organizers in correcting deficiencies provided in the implementation service so as to reduce the problems encountered in the service to provide even better service. Based on this background, this study aims to analyze the management of public complaints in public services at the Bekasi Regency National Land Agency, analyze the quality of service in public complaints services in public services at the Bekasi Regency National Land Agency, and analyze the constraints on the management of public complaints in public services in Bekasi Regency. Bekasi Regency National Land Agency. This research is descriptive qualitative with case study design. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, direct observation, literature study and documentation. Research data obtained from key informant sources. By using purposive sampling technique. The research data were analyzed with the steps of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions/verification. The results of the study conclude that first, the management of public complaints in public services at the Bekasi Regency National Land Agency has been running well, showing the management of public complaints at the Bekasi Regency National Land Agency in public services through complaint management based on the principles of complaint management. Second, the quality of service in public complaints services in public services at the Bekasi Regency National Land Agency has been running well, by playing an active role in the follow-up of handling public complaints based on service quality indicators. Behind the service that can be said to be good there are still obstacles with the online system used, sometimes errors occur in the system, Socialization in the complaint service is carried out in various ways, ranging from social media and disseminated in the community, but not everyone uses social media where there is information about complaint service.
Keywords: Service Quality; Public service; Public Complaints; Management