Efektivitas Pembinaan Ekstrakurikuler Kerohanian Dalam Peningkatan Percaya Diri di SMK Bina Karya Mandiri II
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Universitas Islam 45
Razak, Aziz Abdur
2022-10-28 04:06:24 
Abstract :
Aziz Abdur Razak 41182911180046. The Effectiveness of Spiritual Extracurricular Development in Increasing Self-Confidence at SMK Bina Karya Mandiri (Naturalistic Qualitative Study at SMK Bina Karya Mandiri Rawalumbu Bekasi). Bekasi Thesis: Department of Islamic Religious Education, Islamic University "45" Bekasi 2022 M/ 1444 H. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of spiritual extracurricular coaching in increasing self-confidence at SMK Bina Karya Mandiri Rawalumbu, Bekasi Regency. This research is a naturalistic qualitative research. The study population is extracurricular coaches, spiritual extracurricular coaches, 2 students who take part in spiritual extracurricular activities. The focus of this study is 2 (two) problems, namely how effective coaching in spiritual extracurriculars in increasing self-confidence, and what are the obstacles experienced in spiritual extracurricular coaching in increasing self-confidence. Data collection techniques use interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of this study show that the effectiveness of spiritual extracurricular coaching in increasing self-confidence at SMK Bina Karya Mandiri Rawalumbu, Bekasi Regency is running effectively, it can be seen in positive changes in dressing syar'I, confident in opening conversations and daring to say the phrase "sorry, thank you, and please", and have quality friendships. The obstacles that occur in the formation of the rohis eskul are: forming a disciplined character pattern in the form of coaching in the rohis extracurricular, lack of support from himself because he feels that he cannot. But the obstacles that occur are not a big obstacle. Because on these obstacles the Coach provides the best solution for students, such as: Providing motivation to students to convince that they can and provide activities related to increasing self-confidence. Keywords: Effectiveness, Spiritual Extracurricular, Confident 
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Universitas Islam 45