Inovasi Pelayanan Publik melalui Aplikasi Bekasi Nyambung Bae (BEBUNGE) Di Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika, Persandian & Statistik Kabupaten Bekasi
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Universitas Islam 45
Samantha, Ergaliza Bella Maharani
2022-10-28 07:02:54 
Abstract :
INOVASI PELAYANAN PUBLIK MELALUI APLIKASI BEKASI NYAMBUNG BAE (BEBUNGE) DI DINAS KOMUNIKASI, INFORMATIKA PERSANDIAN & STATISTIK KABUPATEN BEKASI Ergaliza Bella Maharani Samantha Universitas Islam ?45? Bekasi ABSTRACT Public service innovation is something new in the implementation of public services. So far, government agencies have made many innovations, including the Bekasi Regency Communication, Information, Encryption & Statistics Service through the Bekasi Nyambung Bae (BEBUNGE) Application. The Bebunge application was built on the initiative of the Bekasi Regency Diskominfosantik for people who want to channel their aspirations, seek information and perform public services. The purpose of this study is to analyze Public Service Innovation through the Bebunge Application, analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors of public service innovation through the Bebunge application and analyze public perceptions regarding the Bebunge application. The method used in this study is a qualitative method, data collection techniques by conducting in-depth interviews, direct observation, literature study and documentation study. In selecting the informants, purposive sampling was used, while the data analysis technique was using Miles and Huberman's interactive analysis model. The results of this study indicate that public service innovation through the Bekasi Nyambung Bae (BEBUNGE) application has been carried out well but has not run optimally, there are still some obstacles in its implementation, namely the socialization that has been carried out so far has not been evenly distributed to all levels of society in Bekasi Regency, handling complaints through the Bebunge application, it takes a long time, and the lack of budget for regional agencies in handling complaints. The existence of public perceptions both in terms of absorption of stimuli, understanding, and assessments from the community can be said that public service innovation through the Bekasi Nyambung Bae (BEBUNGE) application received a positive response and was considered good, as evidenced by the features contained in the application. Keywords: Innovation, Public Service, Bebunge Application 
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Universitas Islam 45