Analisis Pengaruh Literasi dan Perencanaan Keuangan Syariah terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Menggunakan Produk Funding di Bank Syariah
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Universitas Islam 45
Mardia, Maszuharni
Manajemen Keuangan 
2022-11-04 09:27:15 
Abstract :
Maszuharni Mardia 41182933170028 ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF SHARIA FINANCIAL LITERATURE AND PLANNING ON STUDENTS' INTEREST IN USING FUNDING PRODUCTS IN SHARIA BANK. Islamic Banking Study Program. Islamic University 45 Bekasi.(2022 AD / 1443 H). Literacy is an effort to eliminate all forms of barriers to public access in utilizing financial services. One of the factors that influence the success of this financial inclusion effort is the level of student financial literacy. Financial literacy shows the ability or level of student understanding of how money works. The method used is data collection in this study using online and offline questionnaires with a sample of 71 responses as a tool to analyze the data. By conducting the research instrument using validity test, reliability test, multiple regression test, classical assumption test, hypothesis test (t test and F test) and coefficient of determination (r). The results of this study state, the results of the analysis can be concluded that the first hypothesis (H1) is positive, this study shows that Islamic financial literacy has a significant effect on student interest in using funding products in Islamic banks, the results of the analysis of the second hypothesis (H2) is negative, (the direction of the effect is negative). This study shows that Islamic financial planning has no effect on student interest in using funding products in Islamic banks, and the results of the analysis on the third hypothesis (H3) are accepted, this study shows that the variables of Islamic financial literacy and Islamic financial planning have a positive and significant effect together. -same (simultaneous) on student interest in using funding products in Islamic banks. Keywords: Literacy, Islamic Financial Planning, Student Interest in Using Funding Products in Islamic Banks. 
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Universitas Islam 45