Abstract :
Dheva Chandra Dewi, NPM: 41182191170164, ?Model Development
Drill-Based Volleyball Smash Practice for Beginner Athletes?
Thesis. Department of Physical Education, Health and Recreation. University
Islam ?45? Bekasi.
This study aims to develop a model of smash practice
drill-based for beginner athletes of the Kencana Jaya women's volleyball club who have not
know a lot about the practice of the smash training model so that it can be developed
and provide convenience in conveying material to volleyball athletes
beginners, especially among the women's club Kencana Jaya.
The research method used is Research and Development.
The steps of this research adopted from Sugiyono's research steps which
using 10 steps, but due to the status of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
then this study only uses 5 research steps Research and
Development proposed by Sugiyono.
The validity test of the volleyball game smash training model was carried out by 3 experts,
namely coaching experts, volleyball experts and motor movement analysis experts. Instruments that
used to collect data on the feasibility test of the smash practice model is
a questionnaire or questionnaire with a rating scale or rating scale..
The results of this study indicate that "Exercise Model Development"
This Drill-Based Volleyball Game Smash for Beginner Athletes? is worth it
applied. This is shown from several assessments carried out by experts
coaching, volleyball expert and motor movement analysis expert. Final results of the assessment
product by a coaching expert shows that the drill-based smash training model
this is declared "feasible to apply" with a 95% eligibility percentage, the final result
from the volleyball expert's assessment showed it was "appropriate" with the presentation
?100%? eligibility and final product assessment by motor analysis expert
shows "feasible to apply" with a 90% eligibility percentage.
Keywords: Smash practice model, volleyball-based game
drill, novice athlete