Impression Management Dalam WhatsApp Story
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Universitas Islam 45
Wati, Nur Rohmah
2022-11-08 07:41:43 
Abstract :
The current phenomenon of using social media from various circles and ages, we often see many uploading photos or videos of their daily lives with various perfections from the displayed lifestyle. The identity or self-image they want to display is prepared in such a way that other people judge and accept the message they send. By utilizing the story or status feature, users can form the impression they want. The purpose of this study is to describe the form of impression management in WhatsApp stories. The theory used in this research is dramaturgy theory. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of the study state that impression management in WhatsApp stories is the front stage for users to display impressions through photos, videos and captions. Informant 1 forms an image as a Hallyu, Informant 2 as an expert in home cooking, Informant 3 as a sportsman. In the backstage reality, informants 1 and 3 show real performances that match the story. Meanwhile, informant 2 experienced an online disinhibition effect where on the front stage he appeared very active, expressive and informative. But at the back stage is a closed and quiet person. 
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Universitas Islam 45