Abstract :
This study discusses the relationship between compensation and work stress affecting work productivity. The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of compensation and work stress on work productivity at PT Polycolor Prima Perkasa Cikarang.
The technique used in this study in taking samples is using non-probability sampling technique with judgmental sampling method or commonly known as purposive sampling with the sample used as many as 48 respondents are employees at PT Polycolor Prima Perkasa Cikarang. Data collection techniques by conducting observations, interviews and distributing questionnaires through google form. The data is processed using SPSS version 24.
The results showed that partially the significant effect of the Compensation variable on the Work Productivity variable was 0.300 (?1) as evidenced by the t-count value of 2,427 (sig 0.019) < 0.05 while the significant effect of the Work Stress variable on the Work Productivity variable was 0.471 (?2) which was proven with a t-count value of 4.427 (sig 0.000) < 0.05. Simultaneously there is a significant effect of Compensation and Work Stress on Work Productivity as evidenced by the F-count value of 20.256 > (sig 0.000), Adjust R Square value of 0.450 which means 45.0% compensation and work stress affect work productivity at PT Polycolor Prima Perkasa Cikarang and the remaining 55.0% is influenced by other variables that have not been included in this study.
Keywords: compensation, work stress, work productivity