Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Keimanan dan Akhlak Mulia Pada Anak Usia Dini di Tk Mifathul Ilmi Kota Bekasi
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Universitas Islam 45
Maulana, Ma'shum Ridho
2022-12-16 09:06:02 
Abstract :
This study discusses the implantation of the values ??of faith and noble character in early childhood in Miftahul Ilmi Kindergarten, Bekasi City. This study is motivated by the problems that are rife in the community, such as there are still many parents submitting religious education in this case the values ??of faith and noble character of their children to the educational institutions (schools). Currently, faith and noble character are considered normal by the general public, this is because there are still many parents who are more concerned with general knowledge. As the formulation of the problem is: (1). How to instill values ??of faith and noble character in early childhood in Miftahul Ilmi Kindergarten. (2). The steps taken to inculcate the values ??of faith and noble character in early childhood in Miftahul Ilmi Kindergarten. (3). What are the supporting and inhibiting factors of the supporting and inhibiting factors in inculcating the values ??of faith and noble character in early childhood in Miftahul Ilmi Kindergarten, Bekasi City. This study aims to determine the inculcation of the values ??of faith and noble character in Miftahul Ilmi Kindergarten in Bekasi City. This research was conducted in September-October 2022. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews and documentation. As for checking the validity of this research data using data triangulation method. Data analysis techniques through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the study, it can be stated that efforts to instill the values ??of faith and noble character in early childhood at Miftahul Ilmi Kindergarten in Bekasi City are considered to be quite successful. This is because teachers who have been able to include and develop in each lesson about the values ??of faith and noble character in every aspect of child development, teachers are able to arouse the spirit of learning children's religion, teachers are able to provide basic examples of religious life that guide religious behavior through various methods. learning such as habituation, example and storytelling so that it can be reflected in the daily habits of students. Keywords: Values ??of Faith and Noble Morals, Early Childhood 

Institution Info

Universitas Islam 45