Pengembangan Model Latihan Dribble Sepakbola Melalui Circuit Untuk Atlet Pemula
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Universitas Islam 45
Alfaruqi, Faiz Fardholi
Pendidikan Olahraga 
2022-12-22 06:10:43 
Abstract :
This study aimed to develop a football dribble training model through a circuit for beginner athletes to develop and improve football dribble techniques for SSB Persada Tama Bekasi beginner athletes. The research methodology used the Research and Development method, while the population in this study were beginner athletes from SSB Persada Tama Bekasi. According to Sugiyono, this study used ten research steps but due to the pandemic, it could only use five research steps which were validated by four experts, namely football coaches, beginner athlete specialist trainers, motor skills experts, and football lecturers. The instrument used to collect data on the feasibility test of the football dribble training model through the circuit is a questionnaire with a rating scale. The results show that the development of a football dribble training model through circuits for beginner athletes with variations of Circuit T, Circuit H, Circuit E, Circuit S, Circuit T, Circuit O, Circuit R, Circuit Y, Circuit 2, and Circuit 1 is feasible to be used as a guide for football dribble learning to beginner athletes. This is shown from several assessments carried out by expert judgments, namely football coaches, football coaches for beginner athletes, motorists, and football lecturers. The average result of the four experts is 88% for each circuit dribble post which has a proper interpretation. Keywords: Training Model, Circuit Dribble, Beginner Athlete 
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Universitas Islam 45