Penerapan model pembelajaran Mastery Learning dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PAI di SMKN 1 Setu Bekasi
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Universitas Islam 45
Kuswandari, Liana
Pendidikan Agama Islam 
2022-07-11 08:08:31 
Abstract :
This study aims to determine the application of the mastery learning learning model in improving student learning outcomes in PAI subject at SMK Negeri 1 Setu Bekasi and to determine the supporting factors and inhibting factors in the application of the mastery learning learning model in PAI subjects at SMK Negeri 1 Setu Bekasi. this study uses naturalistic qualitative research methods, namely research that is based on a phenomenoligical view and seeks to understand the meaning of events and their relationship to the object of research. The results of this study with the mastery learning learning model at state SMK Negeri 1 Setu Bekasi can improve PAI learning outcomes with remidial/enrichment, individual assignments, group assignment. The supporting factor is the teracher's understanding of the models that will be used in the subject matter and the inhibiting factor is the lack of facilities and infrastructure such as the prayer room, the lack of time needed in the learning process. 
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Universitas Islam 45