Pengembangan model latihan penjaga gawang sepak bola usia 8-12 tahun di SSB Kranji Putra Tahun 2021-2022
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Universitas Islam 45
Adicipto, Billy Mylyan
Pendidikan Olahraga 
2022-08-24 09:56:20 
Abstract :
Billy Mylyan Adipto. NPM. 41182191180178. "Development of Soccer Goalkeeper Training Model Ages 8-12 At SSB Kranji Putra in 2021-2022" This study aims to produce a product "Development of Soccer Goalkeeper Training Model Ages 8-12 at SSB Kranji Putra in 2021-2022" which can used by goalkeeping coaches as a reference for training models that can be used to improve athlete performance on the field. The research method used is the R&D (Research and Development) method. The steps of this research adopt Sugiyono's research steps which use 10 steps, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this research method uses 5 steps as stated by Sugiyono. The feasibility test or validity test of the soccer goalkeeper training model was carried out by 3 experts, namely the Football School (SSB) coach, coaching science expert and soccer material expert. or twig scale. Evaluation data in the form of descriptive qualitative and quantitative percentages. The results showed that the soccer goalkeeper training model aged 8-12 years at SSB Kranji Putra in 2021-2022 was suitable to be used as a training guide at SSB. This can be proven from the results of product assessments by SSB coaches, coaching experts and football experts. The final result of the product assessment conducted by the SSB trainer was declared ?Eligible? with a percentage of 100?. The final result of the product assessment carried out by the training expert is declared "Qualified" with a percentage of 95?. The final result of the assessment carried out by soccer material experts was declared "Eligible" with a percentage of 95?. From the results of the assessment of the SSB coach, coaching science experts and soccer material experts, it shows that it is feasible with a percentage of 96.7?. So that the video product of this soccer goalkeeper training model is suitable for use by goalkeeping coaches. Keywords: goalkeeper, training model, soccer 
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Universitas Islam 45