Manajemen Hubungan Masyarakat (Public Relation) dalam Meningkatkan Public Trust di SMA Islam Mutiara Baru Kota Bekasi
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Universitas Islam 45
Putra, Angga Dwi
2022-08-25 02:21:30 
Abstract :
Based on preliminary observations made by researchers, there is a decrease in the quantity of students and one of the factors is the decline in public trust built by public relations built by public relations at Mutiara Baru Islamic High School Bekasi City and requires public relations at Mutiara Baru Islamic High School Bekasi City to increase public trust. This type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data collection methods used are observation, documentation and interviews. Check the validity of the data using source triangulation techniques and triangulation techniques. The results in this study are (1) Public relations management which is carried out includes four aspects, namely planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating which runs well and maximally. (2) Obstacles or obstacles that occur in public relations efforts to increase public trust are divided into internal and external factors. Internal factors come from funding and human resources. External factors come from competition with other schools that continue to grow and develop. (3) The strategy carried out by the vice principal in the field of public relations to overcome the obstacles or obstacles that occur there are six strategies that are carried out, namely; Establishing relationships with various parties, Utilizing social media for promotions, Improving the packaging of information about the Islamic quality of students, Increasing the dissemination of information on school achievements in every competition, Holding training or seminars for the outside community as well as promoting schools, Holding special job fairs as well as internal and external publicity at Mutiara Baru Islamic High School, Bekasi City. Keywords: Management, Public Relation, Public Trust 
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Universitas Islam 45