Abstract :
This thesis was written by NADYA, with Student Identification Number: 41182911160004, with the title ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION LEARNING MODEL ON DEFECTIVE CHILDREN (Descriptive Study at the Bekasi Jaya State Special School). Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Islamic University ?45? Bekasi in 2022.
This thesis discusses the PAI learning model for deaf children (Descriptive study at the Bekasi Jaya State Special School). Researchers are interested in The problem because of how deaf students who have hearing barriers, but with learning adapted to the characteristics, the abilities and needs of deaf students are able to learn religion. Study This answers the problem of how the curriculum is used in the learning process in deaf children, howis the learning model used? in the implementation of the learning process of Islamic Religious Education in Deaf Children and What are the supporting and inhibiting factors for PAI teachers in carrying out the process? PAI learning for Deaf Children at SLB Negeri Bekasi Jaya.
These problems were discussed through field research carried out at SLB Bekasi Jaya with a qualitative method with a descriptive method. Excavation data obtained through the methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using the stages of data reduction, data presentation and data collection .
The results showed that the implementation of the PAI learning model in deaf students at SLB Bekasi Jaya has been going well because they are already using the 2013 curriculum which includes four elements, namely: competency standards, process standards, content standards, and assessment standards. Implementation learning starts from preliminary activities, core activities, closing and evaluation learning through several media that have been prepared in accordance with the students' abilities.
Keywords : Learning Model, Islamic Religious Education, Deaf Children