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Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
K Law (General) 
2018-01-30 01:56:31 
Abstract :
This study aims to analyze and find the principle of regulation of guidance on children who perform repetition of criminal acts. To analyze and to find out the weaknesses of the principle of guidance on child reproduction, and to reconstruct a system of guidance on children who repeat criminal justice based crimes. This research is based on constructivism paradigm. The approach method used in this research is empirical juridical approach method. The type of research conducted is descriptive analytical. The approach method used in this research is empirical juridical approach method. The data analysis that the researcher use is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the regulation of guidance on children in the penal system is contained in the Criminal Justice System Law of the Child, Law Number 12 Year 1995 on Corrections. The guidance on children in the prisons is provided in Article 12 of Law Number 12 Year 1995 concerning Correctionality, that in the context of guidance on child crime in the prisons, the categorization is based on age, sex, duration of criminal sanction, types of crime, and other criteria accordingly with the need or development of coaching. Correct Students who laze in conducting coaching programs that have been given by LPKA Class I Kutoarjo. This is the main reason why the coaching officers should have good knowledge about psychology. LPKA has very minimal facilities and infrastructure. Coaching officers are still not good in quantity and quality, lack of officers do not understand what the meaning of coaching. After the students have been out of LPKA must get good guidance from the community, because the students who have come out is no longer the responsibility of LPKA Class I Kutoarjo. Due to the association, the Correct Student who has become a recidivist is 3 (three) times. Therefore, the Correct Students who have been out depend on the association or education of the parents and the community. If the association and upbringing obtained poorly then did not rule out the child becomes a child residivis. The guidance of a child committing a crime is said to be an attempt to bring about dignified justice, an effort to humanize humanity (nguwongke wong); especially dignified justice for children, because they have not been able to think about the negative consequences, either in themselves or in society. Keywords: Child, Residivis, Development, Dignity Justice 
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Universitas Islam Sultan Agung