Perancangan Buku Esai Foto Wisata Pantai Kuta
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STMIK Bumi Gora
Julihillan, Atha
N Visual arts (General) For photography, see TR 
2021-08-30 06:50:35 
Abstract :
Tourism plays a role in improving the economy of the community at tourist destinations which will later grow small and medium businesses in building a prosperous society. The southern part of Central Lombok, namely the Kuta area, has several natural tourist destinations in the form of beautiful beach tourism and are not widely known by the public. The author took the initiative to create a photography essay book with the theme of Kuta Beach. Where in this book displays photos that provide an overview of the state, atmosphere and charm of Kuta beach tourism.This photo essay book is designed using themethod Design Thinking. Design Thinking is a method to build product concept (developing the concept of the product) and has 5 stages namely Emphatize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test.There are two media in making this design, namely primary media in the form of photo essay books and secondary or supporting media in the form of merchandise. The author hopes that this photo essay book can be one of the choices of new media as an insight into beach tourism in Kuta. 
Institution Info

STMIK Bumi Gora