Abstract :
Culinary tourism is tourism that uses food and restaurants as its tourist objects. In addition
to meeting basic human needs in this case is eating, culinary tourism also provides aeffect
refreshing and a sense of pleasure to tourists. Culinary tourism on Penghulu Agung Beach until
now not many people know about it as well as its location, although it is located on the outskirts
of Mataram city, many people still do not know this place, the potential for culinary tourism
provided by Penghulu Agung Beach is also quite large, and has own characteristic. The purpose
of this research is to design an essay book for food photography culinary tourism at Penghulu
Agung Beach, so that the people of Mataram city and outside the region who do not know about
this new culinary tour can find out about the existence of culinary tourism on Penghulu Agung
Beach and can be a reference for culinary tourism destinations. for local and foreign tourists. The
method used in designing this Food Photography Essay Book is themethod Design Thinking.
Design Thingking is a method to build product concept (developing the concept of the product)
and has 5 stages namely Emphatize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test. Then at the test stage the
author uses a form, namely the google form to find out how influential theessay book food
photographythat the author designed and interviewed the opinions and suggestions of readers.
From the responses of users or readers that thisessay book food photographycan be used as a
reference for culinary tourism destinations for the public and tourists who will visit the Old City
of Ampenan.