Abstract :
Tobu sadaya travel is an airline ticket sales site founded by Muhammad Mufasir Hidayatullah and Indra
Saputra on February 1, 2020. The address is Jalan Bypass International Airport, Lombok, Batujai, West Praya,
Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara
This design aims to design concepts for design by designing website designs and promotional media in the
form of posters and x-banners on Tobu Sadaya Travel. With this website design and promotional media, it is
hoped that it will be able to facilitate Tobu Sadya Travel when creating a website.
The method used in designing this website is the Design Thinking method. Design Thinking is a method for
building a product concept and has 5 stages, namely Emphasize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test. Then at the
design feasibility test stage, the author selects ui/ux design experts, company owners and user tests, by sharing
their work in the figma discussion forum and pixelninja.id class.
Based on the responses of experts that the design is still not good in terms of terminology, such as
whitespace and typography. Meanwhile, according to other users and from Tobu Sadaya Travel, the design is