Abstract :
In this period of time, many social media make it easy for us
to know events and information around the world, some social
media including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, social media,
etc. Twitter is one of the social media that has many users at
this time. Twitter, apart from being a medium of information
with various kinds of tweets, Twitter is also often used to
socialize between users and express their opinions to a
discussion or issues that are currently happening. The public
can get information and various comments from Twitter
because the number is very large, so it can be used for
sentiment analysis. With so much data, the purpose of this study
is to create a public sentiment analysis system in the form of
positive sentiment, negative, and neutral towards the tweet of
the Omnibus Law on Job Creation. Sentiment Analysis is one
of the areas found in Machine Learning. Sentiment Analysis
can be done by using a classification method. One of the
methods used in sentiment classification is the Naïve Bayes
Classifier using TF – IDF (Term Frequency – Inverse
Document Frequency) weighting. This research begins by
taking twitter data of 5000 tweets, using two methods, namely
RapidMiner and the Twitter API (Application Programming
Interface) that has been provided. The data format used in this
study is CSV (Comma Separated Values). This sentiment will
later be used as training data and testing data. Then the
sentiment will be done Preprocessing process in which there
are several stages. The output results obtained are in the form
of a system that is able to classify new data by providing
positive sentiment, neutral, and negative on tweets. Sentiment
classification experiment using the Naïve Bayes Classifier
method using the Split Train test and K-fold Cross Validation
produces a Confusion Matrix with an accuracy of 77.22%. and
with K-fold Cross Validation of 79.33% , 79% and , 78.7%.
Then the percentage of sentiment results obtained in a row is
47.3% for neutral sentiment, 35.4% for positive sentiment, and
17.3% for negative sentimen