Abstract :
Batu Kumbung Village, Lingsar District, West Lombok, there are already four tomato dodol businesses established. The other three tomato dodol businesses already have an identity for their own tomato dodol business, while Pak Budi himself does not yet have an identity for the tomato dodol business. An identity is always synonymous with a logo. In this modern era, the logo is something that cannot be separated from products, services, institutions, and organizations. Because thanks to the packaging design and logo of products, services, institutions, and organizations can be known by the wider community. Thus the identification of the problem gets a problem formulation, namely, How to design the right packaging for the business identity of Pak Budi's tomato dodol.
The purpose of this design is for Pak Budi's dodol tomato business to get an identity. The benefits of this packaging design design are so that business owners get an identity for their business. In this research and design, the author uses the Design Thinking method popularized by David Kelley and Tim Brown.
The results of this packaging design design are logos and stationery sets (hats, work uniforms, mugs, bags, and stickers). And with the conclusion Pak Budi's tomato dodol packaging design prioritizes visual elements where each element has a meaning and philosophy related to this business, as well as the stationary included in this design, all of which are selected and sorted for the needs of the management and dodol buying and selling transactions. tomatoes.
Based on the results of the logo and packaging design that have been described, the conclusion that can be drawn is that the design of the tomato dodol business logo in Batu Kumbung Village prioritizes visual elements where each element has a meaning and philosophy related to this business. In addition, in this design the author makes a GSM (Graphic Standard Manual) which serves as a guide for the application of the logo in each media.
Keywords: Visual Communication, Packaging Design, Tomato Dodol.