Abstract :
The problem of smoking has become a common thing among people today, especially in Indonesia. Currently, the number of smokers in Indonesia reaches 90 million people. With the increasing number of active smokers who are increasingly worrying, of course there are risks that threaten Indonesia in the future. The bad effect caused by smoking is the emergence of dangerous diseases. This application uses the Forward Chaining and Certainty Factor methods where the forward chaining method is used as reasoning, while the certainty factor method is used to show the level of certainty of the type of disease suffered. medical personnel in dealing with patients affected by smoking. The stages of developing an expert system in this study consisted of identifying problems for problem domain analysis and functional requirements analysis, knowledge acquisition was used to obtain MB and MD values ​​for each symptom in diseases caused by smoking by interview method where MD was the belief in the symptoms and MB is distrust of symptoms, design is used to design knowledge representations such as decision tables and inference engines, coding is used to create expert systems with PHP and Msyql programming languages, and the last stage is testing using Blackbox. With a system accuracy of 60%, it is hoped that it will make it easier for doctors to make decisions, or the right diagnosis of a symptom - symptoms that arise in diseases caused by smoking.
keywords ; Cigarettes,Expert System,Forward Chainning,Certainty Factor