Analisis Penerapan Unified Threat Management (UTM) Untuk Mengamankan Kubernetes
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STMIK Bumi Gora
Ikhwan, Muhammad
T Technology (General) 
2021-09-03 06:24:06 
Abstract :
Kubernetes is one of the most widely used tools for managing containers. The results of a survey conducted by StackRox in 2020 showed that Kubernetes has been widely adopted by 91%, especially in production environments as much as 75%. In addition to the increasing use of Kubernetes for container management, StackRox also found that 90% of survey respondents had experienced security incidents in Kubernetes and the container environment in the past 12 months. In previous studies, only discussing server clusters using Kubernetes to overcome server failures but not implementing security measures against possible attack disruptions that might occur. Looking at the high number of security incidents that occur, the author wants to make a security analysis of Kubernetes. One of the security methods that can be applied is Unified Threat Management (UTM). UTM is the evolution of the traditional Firewall into an integrated security product, which has the ability to perform multiple security in one device, such as Firewalll, network intrusion prevention, anti-virus (AV) gateway, anti-spam gateway, VPN, content filtering, load balancing, and data leak prevention. Therefore, this research will focus on analyzing the application of UTM to secure Kubernetes. There are 3 types of attacks that will be used in this study, including Portt Scanning, DoS SYN Flood Attack, and Brute Force. From this research, UTM succeeded in blocking all tested attacks which were then stored in the Firewalll UTM log. 
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STMIK Bumi Gora