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STMIK Bumi Gora
Rahmatullani, Dewi Lia
T Technology (General) 
2021-10-06 07:19:48 
Abstract :
The Labuan Bajo Religious Court Office is one of the offices in Labuan Bajo which is located at Jl. Frans Nala, Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency, NTT. In one building there are 7 rooms with 24 computers that are directly connected to the number of employees 24 people. The office has internet access to assist in completing the work of employees, such as accessing the Supreme Court website, downloading and uploading data or information. The internet speed is 100 Mbps. For that, order a stable internet network connection. In order for the internet network connection to be stable, bandwidth device management on the proxy uses a network, namely Mikrotik. The queue tree method is a complicated limitation because it does not only set the protocol, port, IP address, but also has to activate the mangle feature on the firewall if you want to use it. Queue tree is used to manage bandwidth on a proxy that has two internet connections because the mark packet is more functional than simple queue. To manage bandwidth, network hardware is needed, namely a Mikrotik Router. Mikrotik router is one of the vendors of both hardware and software that provides facilities for making routers. [susianto, didi 2016]. Bandwidth management requires accuracy in configuring Mikrotik devices. Especially with the number of computers in the office of the religious court that opens 23 people if you do bandwidth management manually, namely by per user and if there are additional users it takes a long time and there may be errors in manual configuration. For this reason, a solution is needed so that the bandwidth management process can be carried out quickly and human errors occur, namely by means of automation. The research methodology uses the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) where of the 6 stages only 3 stages are used, namely analysis, design and simulation prototyping. After the introduction of the automation machine using Ansible, it managed to overcome the problem of determining management on the Mikrotik router, and reducing human errors or errors in the configuration of bandwidth management on the Mikrotik router. 
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STMIK Bumi Gora