otomatisasi dan manajemen sistem backup pada proxmox ve menggunakan ansible
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STMIK Bumi Gora
Amelia, Mely Guswiranti
Azhar, Lalu Zazuli
Mutiah, .
T Technology (General) 
2021-10-06 07:16:00 
Abstract :
Science and technology is developing very rapidly. Currently technology has been used in almost every life. Of course this has a positive impact on human life carrying out activities. These various technological discoveries, if used positively, can have a good impact on human life. Day by day, more and more types of technology have been discovered by humans. One of the technological developments is to automate a job to simplify and streamline work. The application of an automation system using ansible can streamline a computer network system that is carried out manually. Ansible is an automation engine that can automate one of them automating configuration management and Automated features are VM and CT backup management. The research method used is Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC). The stages in the ndlc method are analysis, design, and prototype simulation. The result of this research is a system that can automate making backups on VM and CT. VM and CT management with automation using ansible tools also makes the VM and CT management process more efficient compared to being done manually. 
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STMIK Bumi Gora