Abstract :
Information security is too important in today's technological age. Currently, the storage and dissemination of information does not use paper media, but uses computer and internet technology a lot. With the development of the internet, nowadays the internet has been widely used for various purposes.
To secure the router, we need a security method that can identify attacks to protect the system and obtain information from attackers that can be used as material for analysis to create a better security system. Honeypot can also collect information about the attacker which includes the identity and activities carried out by the attacker in carrying out attacks on routers. From this information, the administrator will be able to increase the security on his router.
The research method used is the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC). NDLC is a process cycle of designing or developing a network infrastructure that allows network monitoring to occur to determine network statistics and performance.
The honeypot system has succeeded in reducing the task of detection to being simpler, more effective and less expensive. The concept itself is very easy to understand and implement. Honeypot itself is intended to detect attacks carried out by attackers by outwitting the attacker with mirror server facilities. From the test results, it can be concluded that honeyd can be used as a fake server or fake server so that it can protect the original server when the fake server is attacked. The mock server test is Honeyd-based, and can return CPU usage values ​​and network traffic to normal.