Penerapan Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Informasi Mengenal Gejala Dan Penanganan Penyakit Diare
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STMIK Bumi Gora
khairunisa, farida
L Education (General) 
2022-03-23 02:21:05 
Abstract :
The UPTD (Regional Technical Implementation Unit) of the Mataram Public Health Center is a functional health organization unit which is the center for development, guidance and health services which is the outpost in the development and service of public health. The vision of the Mataram Health Center has been set "The realization of Matram Health Center with excellent health services towards a healthy work area in 2021". From the results of interviews conducted by researchers regarding diarrheal disease, the puskesmas still have difficulty in conveying media information to the public so that people also do not care about how dangerous this disease is so that what has been educated by the puskesmas many people ignore or care less about this diarrheal disease. The author aims to create an Augmented Reality application as a media of information that is more attractive to the community around the Mataram Public Health Center UPTD, especially for people who have early childhood. The maker of this Augmented Realty application uses the Luther-Sutopo version of the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) development methodology. Here there are several stages of multimedia application development according to Luther-Sutopo, namely Concept, Design, Material Colleting, Assembly, Testing and Distribution. The result of this study is the Augmented Reality application which was tested on 5 respondents by filling in the question value obtained from the average value of 90.7%. From the test results to 5 respondents, the results obtained, 95% of respondents agreed to suggest other people to use this application, 100% of respondents agreed that the content of this application was understandable, 90% of respondents agreed that the appearance of the application was attractive, 100% of respondents agreed that the application was easy. when used, 50% of respondents found errors/unable to function in this application, 100% of respondents agreed that this application could help the public in educating the public about the dangers of diarrhea, 90.7% of respondents agreed that this application will give you information about diarrhea. 
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STMIK Bumi Gora