Abstract :
The Nurul Haraan Islamic Boarding School NW Narmada in teaching Arabic
and English to its students and students still uses the conventional learning
process without using the help of learning media, so that many students and
students are lazy to listen to the teacher delivering teaching materials, have
difficulty understanding the material, and lack of interest in the students. in
learning Arabic or English conversation as well as conventional learning in
Arabic and English Conversation subjects resulted in most of the students and
female students getting bored quickly and lazy to listen so that they
experienced difficulties in the process of directly practicing the conversations
taught with good and correct pronunciation outside the classroom. So that the
researcher makes an Android-based English and Arabic learning application
in order to make it easier for students to read, and listen to the pronunciation
properly and correctly. In the application stages of making Daily Conversation
Learning Media in English and Arabic based on Android, the author uses the
Luther Sutopo Method. The stages are Concept, Design, Material collecting,
Assembly, Testing, Distribution. This thesis intends to provide insight and
knowledge about learning daily conversations in English and Arabic where
students can also take advantage of this simple application to deepen their
mastery of English and Arabic conversation. Based on the results of interviews
with students of the Nurul Haramain Islamic Boarding School NW Narmada
about whether the author can make a daily conversational learning medium in
English and Arabic based on Android for class 1 students, this can help
students understand conversations in English. English and Arabic from the
evaluation results of 30 students, but the author took a sample of 10 that the
students at the Nurul Haramain Islamic Boarding School NW Narmada have
not been able to carry out conversations in English and Arabic.