Abstract :
One of the applications of AR in the world of education for the progress of a nation cannot be separated from the education factor, because education has an important role in efforts to improve the development of a nation. In terms of drug abuse can damage the mental development of the younger generation for both the user and others. Preventing drug trafficking by protecting people who have not been touched by drugs is a priority that must be done by the community without exception. Therefore, this study aims to utilize Information Technology (IT) in the process of delivering information with the latest technology used in the delivery of information is Augmented Reality (AR) technology (Hermawan & Hariadi, 2015).
Researchers developed this information media using a prototype development model. Where this method consists of six stages of development, namely gathering requirements, quick design, building prototypes, customer evaluation of prototypes, refining prototypes, and product engineers.
The results to be achieved are in the form of an application of information on the dangers of drugs using augmented reality technology that is run on an Android-based smartphone that will be used as an outreach tool to students.
The conclusion of the study shows that the media developed has agreed to be used as a medium for information on the dangers of drugs. This can be seen from the results of the evaluation, where with the number of respondents 25, the results were 79.04% with the Likert scale interval criteria Agree = 60% - 79.99%. Based on these results, the application can be used as a medium of information on the dangers of drugs.