Abstract :
In the process of processing the data, The Marine Transport Cooperative Company karya Bahari in the process of booking and purchasing tickets is still managed manually or publicly which we see handwritten. This can lead to less efficiency in time savings and less practical storage of files. With manual management it is very troublesome when searching for files, this is because the file storage is not appropriate or not sorted by transaction date.
The design and creation of this application uses waterfall methods consisting of stages of analysis, looking for system needs done by means of interviews, observations and literature studies. Design stages are performed using Flowchart, Flow Diagram Design (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Coding stages and testing stages use blackbox testing.
The Tourism Ticket Sales System of The Marine Transport Cooperative karya Bahari has been successfully built, the result of the application that the ticket sales process on the cooperative can already be done computerized output produced in this system in the form of ticket sales reports and sales notes.
Based on the results of the research can be concluded that this system built can facilitate in the process of passenger logging and sales transaction process that has been systemized so that it is easier in the search for the necessary data.
Keywords : Ticket, Tourism, Booking, Purchase