Penerapan Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Pengenalan Tumbuhan Hidroponik
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STMIK Bumi Gora
Hafizul Walidain, .
T Technology (General) 
2020-08-31 06:11:58 
Abstract :
Peresak Daye Creative Youth (RKPD) located in Peresak Daye Hamlet, Batukliang District, Central Lombok District, West Nusa Teggara Provention, is one of the youth organizations that has been around for about 16 years and has as many as 60 active youth members. Peresak Daye Creative Youth (RKPD) has done traditional farming. This research aims to create an introduction media based on Augmented Reality technology in the Peresak Daye Creative Youth Organization (RKPD). The media created is an application for the introduction of hydroponic plants using an android platform with Augmented Reality technology. Augmented Reality technology is a visual technology that combines virtual world objects into real-time views of the real world. So that it will be able to help provide different and real knowledge. With the application of Augmented Reality, fellow teenagers can get to know the object of the Hydroponic planting system in 3-dimensional form which will be displayed through the android application. The method used is the Luther method or known as the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) which consists of six steps, namely; concept, design, material gathering, assembly, testing and distribution. To test the application that has been made, it is carried out in the form of validation or user testing, namely by teenagers of the RKPD organization. To conduct a feasibility test, the researcher conducted a test on the adolescent members of the RKPD in Peresak Village, Batukliang District by testing 24 homogeneous respondents who would represent 60 members in the organization. The results of the research that have been done show that "Application of Augmented Reality as a Media for Planting Hydroponics" is an android based application using Augmented Reality technology in the Marker Based Tracking model. Based on the results of the questionnaire or questionnaire that has been given to the respondent, the results show that the application that has been made is feasible and can be used as a medium of learning and information for adolescents in Peresak Village. Augmented Reality-based hydrophonic bale applications can make it easier to learn about hydroponics that are applied, access applications at home and on the smartphone of each of the Peresak Daye teenagers. 
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STMIK Bumi Gora