Abstract :
The Class 1 Immigration Office of the TPI (Immigration
Checkpoint) Mataram is one of the Immigration Offices which is an
important factor in the implementation of immigration monitoring and
services in the West Nusa Tenggara region. Based on Permenkumham
Number 19 of 2018 concerning the Organization and Work Procedure
of the Immigration Office, the Mataram Class I TPI (Immigration
Checkpoint) Immigration Office has duties and functions. The
Immigration Office has a role in carrying out some of the main tasks
and functions of the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights in
2immigration sector.
In determining the process of determining the eligibility of the
salary increase for Office employees Immigration Class 1 TPI
(Immigration Checkpoint) Mataram found a problem that the current
process takes a lot of time and resources in calculating employee salary
increases because it still uses the Microsoft Excel application, where the
Microsoft Excel application used still refers to SKP (Employee Work
Objectives) currently in determining employee salary increases in the
calculation process, they must pass several stages such as validating the
value obtained by the testing team so that the value file used must be
submitted to the examiner for validation so this takes approximately one
week to do Recapitulation of employee data of approximately 50
employees who will be inputted in the assessment process.
Based on the existing problems, the writer made a decision
support system for the feasibility of raising employee salaries using the
Multi-objective Optimization method on The Basis of Ratio Analysis
(MOORA) which later can cut recapitulation time and calculations can
be faster because the system will run online so that easy to validate.
The expected results in the making of this Decision Support System
application are the results of the ranking in the form of optimization
values with appropriate, considered and inappropriate information with
results like this making it easier for the Mataram Class 1 Immigration
Office (Immigration Checkpoint) in making decisions.