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STMIK Bumi Gora
Prasetyo, Ahmad givari adi
T Technology (General) 
2020-09-01 01:14:20 
Abstract :
Pandemic Covid 19 make learning activities and works from home. To supporting these activities then the Internet connection is needed. So the security of the router becomes the thing to noted. From the Avast company has predicted increased router-based malware and also changes in the characteristic of the attack. The router will continue to be the target of attacks, not only to run criminal scripts or spy on users, but also act as an intermediary link in a chain attack. Security on routers that is done manually becomes inefficient if the number of routers that require security is large enough. For that we needed solution so that the security process can be carried out quickly and minimize errors. The application of an automation system using ansible can streamline the process which is done manually. Ansible is a simple Information Technology automation machine that can automate the repetitive process of configuration management. Features that are automated for security on a Mikrotik router are creating a user, disabling users, firewall filters, disabling mac ping servers, disabling test servers, disabling unnecessary services, backup and reboot with test scenarios on each device involved based on the test designs and analysis of results. the trials that have been done The research methodology used in this study is the waterfall method. The research stages used are the needs analysis stage, system design, writing program code, program testing. The result of this research is a system that can automated the creation of the eight predefined scenarios for router security. The conclusion of this research is that ansible playbook has been successfully used to automate and accelerate the process of creating the eight scenarios on one router and five routers 
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STMIK Bumi Gora