Abstract :
Nurul Harmain Islamic boarding school is one of the Islamic boarding schools in the village of Lembuak Kebon Narmada. This boarding school implements a forum for gaining knowledge, apart from religious knowledge it also includes general science education in its curriculum. The community strongly believes in the education and discipline applied by the Nurul Haramain Islamic Boarding School, there are also shortcomings of this Islamic boarding school, among others, there is no plan or 3-dimensional animation that interacts with all these buildings so it is very difficult for new visitors or for students to recognize the layout. buildings and environment in Nurul Haramain Islamic Boarding School.
The method used is the pipeline method. Is a multimedia development method which consists of three stages, namely Pre Production, Production and Post Production. This method can be used in various multimedia projects because of the flexible steps or flow of processing.
The results achieved from the 3D animated video of the Nurul Harmain Islamic Boarding School building can increase knowledge about the layout of the Nurul Haramain building for students who have watched the video.
The conclusion of this research is that the use of 3D animation as a medium for socializing the Pondok Nurul Haramain building can be accepted as an information medium in the form of 3D animation.