Abstract :
Chlorophyll is a pigment found in all leaves. According to Winarno
(2004), chlorophyll is a green pigment found inside chloroplast together with
carotene and xanthophyll Chlorophyll or the main pigment plants are widely
used as food supplements that are used for health and helps optimize metabolic
function, the immune system, detoxification, relieve inflammation
(inflammation) and balance the system hormonal (Limantara, 2007). As for this
application, it contains information about the history of chlorophyll, the
definition of chlorophyll, health benefits, effects side, how to drink, types of
chlorophyll, and factors for the formation of chlorophyll and extraction
chlorophyll. In making Media Information on the Use of Chlorophyll for Health
This Android-based writer uses the Luther Sutopo Method. As for the stages
are Concept, Design, Material collecting, Assembly, Testing, Distribution. This
thesis aims to provide insight and knowledge about utilization of chlorophyll
for health to the people of Praya city. So that it can combining information and
technology components to be packaged in the form of an android application.
Based on the results of the questionnaire that was distributed to several
respondents, that the manufacture of information media on the use of
chlorophyll for health is based This Android can help users find information
about chlorophyll which based on the results of the questionnaire concluded
that which stated strongly agree at 68%, while those who agreed agreed
amounted to 31%, while those who stated less agreed amounted to 1% and
which states disagree totaling 0%.