Penerapan Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Pengenalan Perhiasan Berbasis Android
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STMIK Bumi Gora
Zannariah, Malika
TR Photography 
2020-09-05 01:47:34 
Abstract :
Promotion media is a tool to communicate a product, service, image, company, agency or store so that it can be better known by the wider community. The oldest promotional media is word of mouth and Toko Dimaz is a shop engaged in the business that sells various kinds of gold and silver. In addition, the Dimaz store provides its jewelery for sale, the Dimaz shop also accepts jewelry ordering services where the shop owner himself designs the jewelery that the buyer wants to order, besides that the customer can also show the ring model that will be ordered. This study aims to create promotional media by implementing Augumented Reality as a Media for Introduction to Android-Based Jewelry with the hope of providing information on jewelry in 3D. Augumented Reality technology is a technology that expands our physical world by adding a layer of digital information to it, so that it will be able to display real jewelry. The research method used is the Prototype method. For testing the application that has been made, it is done in the form of validation or user testing which is carried out by 26 respondents where the respondents are customers of the Dimaz store itself. The collection of test data used the Interpretation test for the feasibility of multimedia learning proposed by Sriadhi in 2018. Based on the results of the questionnaire or questionnaire that has been given to 26 respondents, the results show that the application that has been made is feasible and can be used as a promotional media in the Dimaz Store by displaying 3D objects that are in accordance with the original and can make it easier for customers to determine the choice and can also make it easier for Dimaz Shop owners to promote their jewelery. 
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STMIK Bumi Gora