STMIK Bumi Gora
Dahlan, Ahmad
Mardedi, Lalu Zazuli Azhar
Widyawati, Lilik
T Technology (General)
2021-02-22 01:04:18
Abstract :
Internet Key Words is a network that connects one computer to another using
the global transmission control protocol or internet protocol suite (TCP / IP) as an exchange
protocol so that we can communicate with each other, interact, and exchange information
even over long distances. Wireless technology known as wirless fidelyti (WiFi) uses high
frequencies in the 2.4 GHz spectrum. WIFI (wirless fidelyti) is a wireless connection.
methodology used in this research is the NDLC (Network Development Life Cycle)
approach, but the authors use 3 stages, namely analysis, design, and simulation
prototyping.The network that has been built in the village of Palau Bungin. The topology
form of the Bungin Island village network that has been built uses a ring topology, using a
UTP cable device. The device used for access to the proxy is the Router board the UPT cable
configuration and the optical Viber cable configuration, it can be seen that the network
design using PTP from the cafe is that the entire Bungin island village area is said
to be feasible, with a bandwidth speed test 19.59 for network optimization design using
cables optical viber. Meanwhile, by using the cable speed test upt bandwidth is 19.36 said
to meet the standard because it is not good pin, download and upload.