A Discourse Analysis of Kim Namjoon's speech at United Nation
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STMIK Bumi Gora
Nisa, Lale Chusnun
PN Literature (General) 
2021-03-16 06:54:20 
Abstract :
This study aims to reveal values, belief, and assumption are found on Kim Namjoon’s speech text on campaigning “Love Myself” and to know the kind or types of figurative language is used in Kim Namjoon’s speech. This research method used descriptive qualitative narrative. Instrument that used in this research is speech text transcript and speech video that retrieved from youtube. Data collection techniques used in this study are library research techniques, see, and record. In this study, the writer employs qualitative data analysis, which is done by analyzing data reduction, data display, and verification. The results of the research that the writer has obtained, namely cognitive statement, affective statement, state and action statement, ability and constraint statement, achievement statement, ideology, discourse component, power relation, implicature, speech act, and verbal action. 
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STMIK Bumi Gora