Abstract :
This study aims to build a CBR system in diagnosing damage to Acer laptops
using the K-Nearest Neighbor method. CBR (Case Based Reasoning) is a
method that has a unique way of working, namely a case-based logical way of
thinking, where the results of cases that have been analyzed are obtained from
cases that have happened before. In a sense, this method is a method that can
draw conclusions based on previous experience [1]. This is important in order
to create a system that can help make it easier for technicians at Acer ASP
(Authorized Service Provider) Mataram to analyze damage to Acer laptops so
that they can carry out repair / replacement of parts appropriately based on the
suitability of symptoms to previous cases. The method used in developing this
CBR system is the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). This method was chosen
because of the consideration that the KNN algorithm works using a similarity
pattern, so this method uses the similiarity calculation formula (similarity).
Damage analysis is identified through the features stored as parameters to obtain
a solution. These features are obtained from knowledge acquisition, such as 2
interviews with an expert [2]. The results of this study indicate the testing of
system precision against the identification results by testing its accuracy to
produce relevant outputs with an accuracy value of 95.04%. The test was carried
out on 25 cases with a threshold value of 0.5, the level of accuracy is calculated
based on a comparison with other values that are considered correct. The
accuracy value has two levels, namely 0 and 1. 0 means that the results between
the system and the real are not the same, and 1 means that the results of the
system with the real condition are the same.