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STMIK Bumi Gora
Kholid, Muhammad Idham
T Technology (General) 
2021-08-13 06:44:13 
Abstract :
At this time virtualization technology is again a trend and a necessity today, many companies have taken advantage of server virtualization technology. Because this virtualization technology aims to avoid wasting expensive processing power or in other words increase efficiency and optimize the use of more than one core processor. (Suhendi & Nurdiyana, 2017) Proxmox is one of the software used to manage virtualization. proxmox has a feature that can build a private network in it. In general, every host on a private network on proxmox shares physical resources including network connections using a Virtual Network, one of which is a VLAN ID. Proxmox server supports Open vswitch as a virtual switch, Open virtual switch (OVS) as an alternative virtual switch which is quite popular among cloud developers, can be a solution to manage traffic between VMs with external communication. In a manageable switch, there are limitations in the number of VLAN IDs, which is 4096 according to researchers, a lot, but what if it is applied to ISP (Internet Service Provider) providers who have very many customers or Cloud Aws providers, and Google Cloud which has customers all over the world. For this reason, a solution related to this problem is needed, namely by implementing (Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network). According to (Mahalingam, 2014) VXLAN has a 24 bit Segment ID called VNI (Virtual Network Identifier). This allows 16 million VXLAN segments to be created in one administrative domain. To manage a Virtual Network has its own complexity, human error can occur and what if the customer needs a provider who already has customers all over the world, namely in cloud server rentals, if cloud server rentals increase so that the Virtual Network configuration follows the number of cloud server rentals and takes a long time In configuring a Virtual Network, a solution is needed for this problem, namely the implementation of automation using Ansible, Ansible functions as an automation machine in virtual networking. The research methodology uses the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) where of the 6 stages only 3 stages are used, namely analysis, design and simulation prototyping. After applying the automation machine using Ansible, it managed to overcome the problems, namely speeding up configuration, reducing human errors or errors in configuring Virtual Networking. Keywords: Virtualization, Automation, Proxmox, Open vswitch, VLAN ID, Vxlan, Ansible. 
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STMIK Bumi Gora