Abstract :
Network System Administration (ASJ) is one of the subjects in the Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ) skill program at SMKN 1 Bayan. SMK Negeri 1 Bayan is one of the vocational high schools in Bayan District, North Lombok. The implementation of the practicum on ASJ subjects has used virtualization media for practicum, namely using Virtualbox. However, there are obstacles during the ASJ practicum, namely the non-uniform computer specifications in the Lab, so that not all computers can be installed with Virtualbox.
The school knows that from the total 30 computers available, 15 computers can actually still be used properly to support practicum. Quite a number of computers that need to be upgraded and require a lot of money if a purchase is made so that the computer specifications are the same. solutions are needed to be more effective and more cost-effective. Then there is hope from the teacher that there is a system that can make it easier to prepare ASJ practicum learning media.
The application of Docker container management automation using Ansible can overcome problems in preparing the Network System Administration (ASJ) practicum media. Ansible is a simple Information Technology (IT) automation engine that can automate cloud provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, intra-service orchestration and other IT needs.
The methodology or research stages used in this study use the Network Design Life Cycle (NDLC) method. The stages of the NDLC method include Analysis, Design, Simulation prototyping and implementation. The results of the Docker container management tests carried out include creating, running, stopping and deleting containers, user access management such as creating users, changing access control and deleting users, team endpoint management such as creating teams, changing team membership, changing team membership, providing team access to endpoints.
The conclusion of this study is that a system built using Ansible can automate the management of a Container Docker-based virtual laboratory for the practice of Network System Administration subjects at SMK Negeri 1 Bayan. The system built combines the Docker Command Line Interface (CLI) and the Portaier Application Programming Interface (API) so that container management can be done faster.