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STMIK Bumi Gora
Kamaria, .
T Technology (General) 
2021-08-26 07:18:48 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT According to (Indonesia Internet Provider Association, 2020) noted, the number of internet users in Indonesia has reached 196.7 million, which is equivalent to a total of 8.9% of Indonesia's population. The rapid development of the internet has made the number of visitors to web service sites increasing day by day accessing web server service sites simultaneously. can cause traffic load performance is not optimal and can result in server down. The server is down because it is unable to serve requests that exceed its capacity. Previous research on web server load balancing using nginx was applied only to virtual machines but not to docker containers. So that it encourages the author to analyze the implementation of nginx load balancing on a docker container. With the Round Robin testing algorithm. The research methodology uses the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC). Where, this method is a method that depends on the previous builder process. NDLC consists of six (6) stages, but the researcher only focuses on the third stage (3), namely Analysis, Design, and Prototyping simulation. The conclusion of this study is load balancing using nginx on the round robin algorithm successfully distributes the load according to the load parameters set on each server with 60% webserver 1, 30% web server 2, and 10% web server 3. With the throughput value after applying the algorithm is more faster that is 997.59 kb /s compared to before applying the round robin algorithm which is 958.86 kb/s. The request value per second is greater after applying the algorithm, which is 0.830 s compared to the previous 0.891 s. The longest response time is 1208.91 ms before the 1161.98 ms algorithm is applied. 
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STMIK Bumi Gora