Abstract :
The existence of PDAM Giri Menang previously known as PDAM Kabupaten Lombok Barat then became PDAM Giri Menang Mataram began with the construction of a Clean Water Supply System in Mataram City in 1973 by the Directorate of Sanitary Engineering, Ministry of Public Works financed from the State Budget and Buyers Credit from Australia. Public complaints are an important element in a regional agency because it aims to see the success of the work that has been done, correct deficiencies and receive suggestions from tasks that have been carried out. Public complaints at the Giri Menang PDAM service have not been conveyed easily so the community must submit complaints directly to the branch to report complaints.
The research method used in this research is Prototype. The system with a prototype model allows users to know the stages of the system being made so that the system can operate properly. The use of this method aims for researchers to get an overview of the application that will be built through the prototype method that will be evaluated by the user.
The conclusion of this study is that first this application can help the PDAM and PDAM Service Users in the case of damage to the PDAM channel. Second, this application will increase flexibility and effectiveness in dealing with and reporting damage.