Perancangan Animasi 2D Kisah Masa Kecil Tokoh Jayengrana
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STMIK Bumi Gora
Kharismanata, I Gede Anjas
L Education (General) 
2021-08-28 02:54:18 
Abstract :
Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world, with a population of more than 250 million people, consisting of 714 ethnic groups spread over more than 17,000 islands. Many islands are monitored, making Indonesia a country that has diverse cultures, ethnicities, religions, Lombok is one of the islands, with a lot of beauty in it, from that beauty, there are various interesting cultures in it, one of which is wayang. The Lombok puppet, the story of jayengrana, is a continuation of the Persian epic that tells of Amir Hamzah's struggles in preaching and spreading Islam. The lack of knowledge of the younger generation about wayang is a problem that makes Wayang Sasak increasingly abandoned. It is necessary to re-promote with the right media for today's young generation. Making animation taking the source of Wayang Sasak is one of the right media in promoting Wayang Sasak to today's young generation, especially children. This animation is designed with the Design Thinking methodology, which is a methodology that targets the audience or users of the media itself. As for this animation, there will be a story about Jayengrana's childhood, many stories that can be learned from the meaning of the story. The result of this final project is an animation containing Wayang Sasak animation which aims to educate and promote Wayang Sasak to the target audience through video streaming media. The conclusion of this animation design is to convey information and good storyline, in terms of aesthetics, and the information to be conveyed in this animation can be received optimally. 
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STMIK Bumi Gora