Abstract :
MAN 1 Mataram is a school located in the city of Mataram. This school has 2 classes, namely superior class and ordinary class. Every year MAN 1 Mataram has increased acceptance of new student registrations, it is estimated that next year the new students will experience a lot of increase. The number of students who register makes the student section at MAN 1 Mataram having difficulty in determining the class, moreover, it is found that students in superior classes have less standard achievements and grades.
Based on these problems, the purpose of this research is how to determine the class based on the grades and achievements of new students so that the process of determining the class is more targeted.
In this study, the method used is clusterization with k-means which is applied using a web-based application.
The results of this study indicate that the k-means algorithm is able to produce superior class selection and division according to the student's ability value, and the implementation of superior class at MAN 1 Mataram has a positive impact in improving education.