Abstract :
Wayang is a leather or wooden puppet show played by a puppeteer in an art performance. Puppets are usually performed in a field or city park and watched by many people. Puppets have existed since ancient times and have been passed down from generation to generation, the most famous wayang being from Java, but there are also puppets from other regions, one of which is the Sasak Puppet. However, along with the development of this art era, it began to be forgotten and almost extinct. Therefore, this design aims to provide information and educate the background story of each puppet character through an illustrated book that is interesting and easy to understand.
The method used in designing this illustration book is Design Thinking. Design Thinking is a method of building a product concept that has 5 stages of Emphatize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test. Then at the book feasibility test stage, the author chooses an author and tests users, by showing videos and conducting interviews.
Based on responses from experts and users, this book can be used as a reference and as an educational medium for young people.