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Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Pendidikan Khusus 
2020-09-06 22:14:52 
Abstract :
Abstrak Tujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas pelaksanaan program preceptorship menggunakan evaluasi program model Stake. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dalam menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Secara kualitatif metode evaluative dengan model stake yang ditinjau dari aspek input (antecedents), proses (transactions) hasil (outcomes) dengan Responden 131 mahasiswa, 22 preceptor klinik, 22 preceptor akademik dilakukan dengan analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil di temuannya; Aspek antecedent yang meliputi aspek landasan program menggunakan kurikulum KBK tahun 2010, administrasi kegiatan praktek diakukan dengan baik, hasil uji pra klinik rata-rata kompeten, penilaian preceptor klinik dan akademik baik, kurikulum dan sarana prasarana sangat baik, Aspek transaction dilakukannya proses orientasi rumah sakit, proses bimbingan dilakukan secara bertahap dari mudah ke yang sulit, melakukan proses refleksi terhadap kasus pada pre dan post conference, metode pembelajaran dengan bead seated teaching, mengikuti pembimbing disesuaikan dengan kompetensi yang akan dicapai, pengeloaan kasus, pencapaian kompetensi baik, penilaian pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan meliputi; pengkajian baik, diagnosis baik, perencanaan baik, implementasi baik dan evaluasi baik, penilaian sikap mahasiswa meliputi; caring baik, empati baik, kehadiran baik, pakaian dan atribut baik, aspek legal baik, Aspek outcomes meliputi hasil ujian keterampilan dan kompetensi di setiap stage dengan nilai IPK Rata-rata 3,14, hasil nilai uji trayout nilai tertinggi 72,2 dan terendah 26,1, hasil uji kompetensi Nasional dengan kelulusan 97,4%. Kesimpulan; pengetahuan yang diperoleh dapat memberikan dampak pada setiap kompetensi dan keterampilan pada pembelajaran siswa mandiri. Penilaian pembimbing akademik (Fakultas) dan penilaian pembimbing klinik (Rumah sakit) dalam tahap antecedents mahasiswa kesimpulan baik. Tahap transaction preceptor mampu mengajarkan asuhan keperawatan dan mahasiswa mampu melakukan asuhan dari simple ke komplek sesuai dengan kompetensi yang di capai. Sejak awal penilaian perilaku klinis sebagai indikator untuk menetapkan peringkat untuk kompetensi klinis (mis. akuntabilitas, sikap, profesionalisme, komunikasi). Tahap outcome menyiapkan pembimbing untuk evaluasi dan pada akhirnya memastikan akurasi dan konsistensi di antara evaluasi siswa. Keyword : Preceptorship, preceptor, mahasiswa, countenance stake?s dan sikap Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of the preceptorship program using the Stake model program evaluation. This study uses qualitative and quantitative approaches in answering research questions. Qualitatively, the evaluative method with the Stake model in terms of the aspects of input (antecedents), the process (transactions) results (outcomes) with 131 student respondents, 22 clinical preceptor, 22 academic preceptor conducted with qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results of his discovery; Antecedent aspects which include aspects of the foundation of the program using the KBK curriculum in 2010, administration of practice activities is carried out well, pre-clinical test results are average competent, clinical and academic preceptor assessments are good, curriculum and infrastructure are very good, transaction aspects of the hospital orientation process, the guidance process is carried out in stages from easy to difficult, do the process of reflection on cases at pre and post conference, learning methods with bead seated teaching, follow the supervisor adjusted to the competencies to be achieved, case management, achievement of good competencies, assessment of the implementation of nursing care include; good assessment, good diagnosis, good planning, good implementation and good evaluation, assessment of student attitudes include; good caring, good empathy, good attendance, clothing and good attributes, good legal aspects, aspects of outcomes include the results of skills and competency tests at each stage with an average GPA of 3.14, the results of the trayout test scores highest 72.2 and lowest 26.1, National competency test results with 97.4% graduation. Conclusion; acquired knowledge can have an impact on each competency and skill on independent student learning. Assessment of academic supervisor (Faculty) and assessment of clinical supervisor (Hospital) in the student antecedents stage is a good conclusion. The transaction preceptor stage is able to teach nursing care and students are able to carry out care from simple to complex according to the competencies achieved. Since the beginning of the assessment of clinical behavior as an indicator to rank for clinical competence (eg. accountability, attitude, professionalism, communication). The outcome phase prepares mentors for evaluation and ultimately ensures accuracy and consistency among student evaluations. Keywords: Preceptorship, preceptor, students, stakeh 
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Universitas Negeri Jakarta