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Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Psikologi, Ilmu Jiwa 
2020-09-11 16:33:09 
Abstract :
Munculnya penyakit jenis terbaru, COVID-19, telah ditetapkan menjadi pandemi, dimana penyakit ini telah menyebar ke berbagai negara dan terjadinya penularan lokal pada negara-negara tersebut. Masifnya penyebaran penyakit ini menyebabkan berbagai sektorpun terdampak. Ditemukan pada berbagai penelitian bahwa adanya dampak psikologis pada perawat yang menjadi garda depan akibat penyakit ini. Mulai dari beban kerja hingga kekhawatiran tertular menimbulkan stres pada para perawat yang bertugas dalam penanganan COVID-19. Penelitian kali ini bertujuan melihat gambaran stres dan koping stres pada perawat penanganan COVID-19. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif studi kasus dengan wawancara jenis semi struktural. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah 2 orang perawat wanita yang bertugas dalam ruangan isolasi penaganan COVID-19 sejak Maret 2020. Wawancara dilakukan melalui media telepon provider dan telepon whatsapp sebanyak dua kali. Pertanyaan yang ditanyakan seputar gambaran bekerja pada penanganan COVID-19, gambaran stres yang dirasakan selama penanganan COVID-19, dan gambaran stres koping yang digunakan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa partisipan menghadapi beban kerja yang berkali lipat dan ritme yang dinamis, dimana jumlah pasien COVID-19 dapat meningkat secara drastis lalu tiba-tiba turun. Kemudian para partisipan mengalami stres akibat tugas yang dijalani dan status pekerjaan tersebut. selanjutnya, gambaran stres koping yang kedua partisipan tunjukkan didominasi oleh emotional focused coping, walaupun usaha problem focused coping juga mereka lakukan. The emergence of a new type of disease, COVID-19, has been determined to be a pandemic, where this disease has spread globally to various countries and the occurrence of local transmission in these countries. The massive spread of this disease has affected various sectors too. It was found in various studies that there was a psychological impact on nurses who were at the frontline of handling this disease. Starting from the workload to the fear of get infected creates stress on the nurses who are in frontline of handling COVID-19. In this research, we want to see an overview of frontline nurses's coping stress during COVID-19. This research was conducted using a qualitative case study method with semi-structural interviews. Participants in this study were 2 female nurses who working in the isolation room for handling COVID-19 since March 2020. Interviews were conducted by telephone and WhatsApp calls. The questions we asked were about the how they working for COVID-19 room, stress they felt during this COVID-19 situation, and what coping stress they used during that time. The results of this study indicate that participants face multiple workloads and a dynamic rhythm, where the number of COVID-19 patients can increase drastically and then suddenly decrease. The participants also experienced stress because stigma about their job. Furthermore, the two participants showed was dominated by emotional focused coping, although they also used problem focused coping during pandemic. 
Institution Info

Universitas Negeri Jakarta