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Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Pendidikan Olah Raga 
2020-09-05 16:03:42 
Abstract :
Tujuan penlitian ini untuk menghasilkan model-model latihan dribbling Futsal dan untuk menguji keefektifan dari model yang dihasilkan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode pengembangan Brog dan Gall dengan menggunakan 10 tahapan dan dengan subjek penelitian adalah atlet futsal Siswa SMP di Jakarta. Penelitian ini diawali dengan analisis kebutuhan, perencanaan, membuat produk, uji coba, revisi dan produk final. Uji efektifitas dribbling dengan instrumenn yang digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat kemapuan dribbling atlet sebelum dan sesudah pemberian perlakuan model latihan ini layak digunakan. Pada hasil uji coba kelompok kecil dalam kelompok besar menerangkan bahwa model tersebut layak dan di lanjutkan dengan Uji T signifikan dengan SPSS 16, uji signifikansi pada dribbling didapat nilai rata-rata =1,43 menunjukan selisih dari hasil pre-test dan post-test, hasil t-hitung = 9,882 > t-tabel=2,021, df = 39 dan p-value = 0.00 < 0.05 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil dribbling futsal sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan model. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa model latihan dribbling futsal pada siswa SMP efektif dan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan dribbling atlet, model latihan yang diterapkan pada perlakuan untuk kelompok eksperimen memiliki efektivitas yang signifikan. Kata kunci: Pengembangan, Model, Dribbling, Futsal The purpose of this research is to produce Futsal dribbling training models and to test the effectiveness of the resulting models. The research method used in this research is the Brog and Gall development method using 10 stages and the research subjects are junior high school student futsal athletes in Jakarta. This research begins with a needs analysis, planning, making products, testing, revisions and final products. The dribbling effectiveness test with the instruments used to determine the dribbling level of athletes before and after the treatment of this training model is suitable for use. In the results of small group trials in large groups, it was explained that the model was feasible and continued with a significant T test with SPSS 16, the significance test on dribbling obtained an average value = 1.43 indicating the difference between the pre-test and post-test results, the result of t-count = 9.882> t-table = 2.021, df = 39 and p-value = 0.00 <0.05, which means that there is a significant difference between the results of futsal dribbling before and after the model treatment. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the futsal dribbling model in junior high school students is effective and can improve athlete's dribbling skills, the training model applied to the treatment for the experimental group has a significant effectiveness. Keywords: Development, Model, Dribbling, Futsal 
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Universitas Negeri Jakarta