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Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Olah Raga Dalam Ruangan 
2020-09-08 17:34:42 
Abstract :
ABSTRAK Secara umum tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produk berupa model latihan floorball untuk atlet pemula dan memperoleh data empiris tentang efektivitas model latihan floorball efektif dalam meningkatkan teknik dasar passing, dribbling dan shooting floorball untuk pemula. Pendekatan penelitian pengembangan model latihan ini menggunakan model penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development) dari Borg dan Gall. Hasil analisis kebutuhan menunjukkan bahwa model latihan floorball sangat dibutuhkan oleh para pelatih dan atlet dalam menunjang latihan teknik dasar floorball. Hasil pengembangan model latihan floorball berdasarkan validasi 5 ahli diperoleh 27 model dari 30 model yang peneliti susun. Hasil uji coba kelompok kecil kemudahan dan ke menarikan model latihan floorball diperoleh nilai 81,683% (sangat baik) dan 76,31% (baik). Hasil uji coba kelompok besar, kemudahan dan ke menarikan model latihan floorball diperoleh nilai 77,28% (baik) dan 74.48% (baik). Keefektifan model yang dikembangkan dinyatakan efektif untuk digunakan. Berdasarkan dari hasil perbandingan antara nilai pretest dan posttest yang diberikan kepada atlet secara keseluruhan hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara hasil latihan floorball (passing, dribbling dan shooting) untuk atlet pemula setelah diberikan 27 model latihan floorball yang peneliti susun. Kata Kunci: Model latihan, floorball, passing, dribbling, shooting, atlet pemula ABSTRACT The general objective of this research is to generate a product which serves as a model for floorball training practice aimed at beginner athletes. This research also yields empirical data regarding the extent of effectiveness in developing basic floorball techniques in passing, dribbling, and shooting for beginners. The research methodology approach implemented in exploring the floorball training practice model is adopted from Borg and Gall research and development model. Needs analysis opening survey for the research suggested a training practice model for learning the sport floorball is strongly needed by both coaches and athletes in supporting training for basic floorball techniques. The research outcome of the training practice model is based on validation by five experts on 27 training practice models of 30 training practice models conducted by the researcher. The results of small-scale population testing for ?ease? and ?interest? show scores of 81.683% (very good) and 76.31% (good) respectively; Large-scale population testing for the same purposes exhibited scores of 77.28% (good) and 74.48% (good) respectively. Thus, the extent of the training practice model effectiveness is concluded to be positive and strong. On the grounds of comparison between pre-testing and post-testing administered to subjects who participated in the research, it can be surmised that there was a clear distinction/improvement in the abilities of beginner athletes (in passing, dribbling, and shooting) who participated in the said 27 floorball practice model held by the researcher. Kata Kunci: Training model, floorball, passing, dribbling, and shooting, beginner athletes 
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Universitas Negeri Jakarta