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Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Sastra Indonesia 
2020-09-04 13:07:24 
Abstract :
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan proses pembelajaran sastra melalui: (1) model pengembangan silabus pembelajaran, (2) perencanaan pembelajaran berdasarkan dimensi tujuan pembelajaran, bentuk dan prosedur pembelajaran, jenis dan manfaat materi pembelajaran, peran guru dalam pembelajaran, dan peran siswa dalam pembelajaran; dan (3) faktor yang mempengaruhi pembelajaran di kelas dari perspektif teoretik dan perspektif budaya Jawa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode etnografi yang dilakukan di SD Negeri Cemara Dua Surakarta pada siswa kelas 5 tahun 2004-2013. Data bersumber dari peristiwa, informan, dan dokumen. Pengumpulan data melalui cara pengamatan, wawancara, dan analisis dokumen. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis domain, taksonomi, dan tema. Simpulan: Proses pembelajaran sastra berbasis tematik terpadu dengan pembelajaran keterampilan berbahasa dan unsur kebahasaan dikaji dari: (1) Model silabus yang dikembangkan melalui GBPP kurang diperhatikan karena guru berkiblat pada materi buku pelajaran. Paradigma pembelajaran mempengaruhi jenis silabus yang digunakan. Kurikulum berbasis kompetensi menggunakan silabus tugas. Tugas pada K 2004 dan K 2006 diperoleh melalui tema mengacu mata pelajaran; sedang tugas pada K 2013 diperoleh melalui tema mengacu teks yang mengindikasikan mata pelajaran yang dipadukan; (2) Perencanaan pembelajaran diorganisasikan sistematis dalam RPP, tetapi pencapaian tujuan pembelajarannya bersifat mekanis, prosedur pascamembaca belum memberi pemahaman tugas, fungsi materi untuk mengejar target, guru belum berperan sebagai pembimbing yang baik, dan peran siswa merespons tugas dari guru semata; dan (3) Secara teoretis, pembelajaran sastra dipengaruhi faktor: belum semua siswa aktif mengerjakan tugas, guru kurang memperhatikan waktu pembelajaran, siswa belum memahami tugas, dan dominasi guru menonjol. Dalam perspektif budaya, nilai-nilai budaya Jawa berpengaruh positif dalam pembelajaran sastra di kelas. Namun, nilai-nilai budaya Jawa terkait dengan berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi perlu redefinisi dan direposisi agar dapat menyelaraskan perkembangan zaman. Kata kunci: pembelajaran sastra, keterampilan berbahasa, apresiasi sastra, unsur kebahasaan,budaya Jawa ABSTRACT The aims of this study are to describe and explain the literature learning process through: (1) the learning syllabus development models, (2) learning plan based on the element of learning objectives, forms and learning procedures, types and benefits of learning materials, teachers and students role during the learning process; and (3) factors that influence learning process in the classroom from the theoretical and Javanese cultural perspectives. This research uses ethnographic methods conducted at Cemara Dua Elementary School Surakarta in 5th grade students during 2004-2013. The data taken from events, informants, and documents. The data were collected through observations, and document analysis. The data were analyzed using domain analysis techniques, taxonomy, and theme. The conclusions are: The thematic-based literature learning process integrated with the learning of language skills and linguistic elements is examined from:(1) the developed syllabus model through GBPP is not given much attention because teachers are oriented towards the materials contained in the textbooks. The learning paradigm influences the types of syllabus used. The competency-based curriculum uses an assignment syllabus. The assignment in Curriculum 2004 and 2006 were obtained through themes that are referring to the subjects; while the assignments in curriculum 2013 were obtained through themes referring to the texts that indicate integrated subjects; (2) The learning plan is organized systematically in the lesson plan (RPP), but the achievement of learning objectives is mechanical, the post-reading procedure has not provided an understanding of the task, the functional of the material to attain the target, the teachers have not acted as a good guide, and the students? role is to response to the tasks given by the teachers; and (3) theoretically, the literature learning are influenced by several factors: not all the students are actively working on the assignments, the teachers are pay less attention to the learning time, the students have not understand the assignments, and the teachers? dominance are prominent. In the cultural perspective, Javanese cultural values have a positive effect on the literature learning in classroom. However, the Javanese cultural values related to various influencing factors need to be redefined and repositioned in order to harmonize the development of times. Keywords: litera 
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Universitas Negeri Jakarta